So my Green Spotted Puffer tank is infested with a long hairlike algae(I'm assuming to be hair algae). Any remedies?
Salt or fresh water. What's ur light schedule like. Feeding habbits clean up crew water parameters. So on.
Your nitrates are really high. I would do a 10-20% water change, and definitely cut back on the lights for a while. If you don't have any live plants or corals, I would actually go 3 or 4 days or so completely dark to kill off the algae in there. After that, another 10-20% water change and gradually start with the lights again. What kind of filter do you have on there? And what size tank is it? Puffers are super messy eaters and you want to go with as much filtration as possible, and keep up with water changes, otherwise this will keep happening.
Those nitrates are nothing for a FO/FOWLR tank. Many FO/FOWLR tanks have 100+ and some even into the 1000 range with no ill effects to the fish.