Halide reflector question


New member
I will be trying out halides. My tank is 48" x 24" and only 16" shallow. I have acros growing on back glass. Should I go with Lumenmax Elite hung up high, or Lumenarc reflectors?

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U only need 12" to 15 " max. above the water surface. That elite is a great reflector. A conbination of ur t5 plus mh is an awesome combo. Good luck
I have 2 lumen max elite hqi and I love them... Only fixtures I've ever used on my reefs though
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Cool. thanks Menard and Anarcy. I am excited to go back to halide. It's been 6 years since I've used one, but I'm ready to go back to it. I think I will give the Elite reflectors a try. I can hang them really high up too, so I don't have to worry about heat transfer to my tank.
1 more question: Do I need a UV glass shield for mogul Radiums? Someone told me I don't need to shield for UV with mogul halides.
1 more question: Do I need a UV glass shield for mogul Radiums? Someone told me I don't need to shield for UV with mogul halides.

No, you don't need UV glass for moguls only for DE's. Also, you should absolutely go with the Elites. They have a wider spread which you'll want with the acros growing on the back. The Lumenarcs will have more of a spot-light effect which you wouldn't want.
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Here's what my PAR looked like back when I ran 2 Elites with Radiums and magnetic ballasts over my 90. I had them in my my canopy about 7" over the water and got excellent spread but I wouldn't recommend keeping them that low because it was too much, IMO....

Wow 1375, 1190 is some serious par. Does corals even need that high ?

Need it? No.
Some liked it and some burnt. I couldn't run the lights very long without torching most of them. I ultimately got rid of the setup because i couldn't raise the reflectors any higher.