

New member
Hi everyone. New to this site. Want start a tank soon. Looking for a tank now. If had 5 years of experience in reef. I moved here from Texas. Had a 125 gal. Had to sale it when I moved out here. Love zoanthids. So im looking to start a 45 gal. With multi color led lighting. If anyone can help. Pm me info. Thanks....

Reeferdude over in the dry goods subforum has a couple tanks for sale. Looks like he has a 30, 40, 90 and 110 gallon left. May be able to get one from him for cheap

Looks like theres quite a few guys selling all sorts of tanks over there, definitely worth checking out
check out buildmyled.com, i just ordered from them, seems legit from all the reviews, can get a compeltely custom lightbar if you want.
Welcome, if you look on the marketplace there's always fellow reefers with good sales. As soon as get something going don't forget to post some pics, we love pics here, lol