hammer coral question

Is your question whether or not it looks happy? I'd say it looks happy. Make sure it doesn't get to much flow, just a nice gently sway is what he wants. As far as light, I can't comment without knowing what type of lights you have or how high/low you have it placed.
I guess I was just concerned it he is kinda extended all the time. He seems happy. He is in mild flow half way down under 150 halides with actinic power compacts
He looks happy to me. Better to always be extended than always deflated! Ive always kind of wondered how closely if at all hammer's, torch's and frogspawn are related. They seem like the same creature with different shaped tentacles. If someone has any knowledge please share. Sorry if im hijacking...
He looks happy to me. Better to always be extended than always deflated! Ive always kind of wondered how closely if at all hammer's, torch's and frogspawn are related. They seem like the same creature with different shaped tentacles. If someone has any knowledge please share. Sorry if im hijacking...

They're from the genus Euphyllia. Different common species name for each ie. E. ancora or parancora- hammer, e.divisa or paradivisa- frogspawn, E. glabrescens- torch.

The hammer in the OP does look fine to me though. Usually when they are closed up is when you need to start figuring out why. 9 times out of 10 it's because of too much flow or something is picking on them.