hammer head


New member
cannot get my hammerhead to open I have good lights, but the lights I used before was t5 bulbs and the hammer loved it but when I switched to leds its not fully open and the hammer been doing this for awhile. Had led for a year now. I tried putting it higher but it made it worse help
cannot get my hammerhead to open I have good lights, but the lights I used before was t5 bulbs and the hammer loved it but when I switched to leds its not fully open and the hammer been doing this for awhile. Had led for a year now. I tried putting it higher but it made it worse help

If it's not opening move it into lower light and or lower flow. What kind of led are you running? Can you post a picture of it not open?
I just had a hammer issue myself it had some tube type worm growing on its stem that would let out some ooze type stream, Hammer wouldnt open up I even tried to snip the tubes that didnt help so finally I super glued all them shut, since then its been out full force. maybe worth a check see if you got any of them irritating it.