Happy coral :)


Active member
Just random picture of my happy dendros and sun coral

[/url]dendros1 by mark_mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url]dendros2 by mark_mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url]sun coral by mark_mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
Hey Manard, just getting back slowly, doing mostly deepwater stuff, NPS coral, some LPS and harem of deepwater and coolwater anthias.
looks awesome! i been looking for some sun coral myself. what are you feeding it and how often?
I feed it mixture of frozen mysis,brine shrimp,rod's food, fish eggs, basically what i feed my fish. I feed them every other day, my dendros twice a week.
So is it same tank or dif. U run any lights

Same tank Joe, I only run my leds on my ATI fixture and 4 T5 bulbs for 5 hours total ( 3xblue+,1xactinic). I have some zoas that need little more light, that's why T5 are on. I have few deepwater anthias there right now, looking to get more. Want a group around 12-15 of different species. Soon I will start new thread. :)