I have a 28G nano cube. I do 5G water changes once a week. I make my own salt water currently with Reef Crystals. I have used Tropic Marin in the past and had the same results. I have an RO/DI filter and I get the water to 0 PPM. I mix the salt in a 20G Brute with a heater and a circulation pump. I generally go for 1.023 for the salinity. After about 24 hours I will test the PH (I have a Hanna digital meter) and it is at 7.8. I then add Seachem marine buffer and bring the PH up to 8.3. The water will stay at 8.3 for only about a day for so then it lowers back to 7.8. This is before I do the water change on my tank. Usually I do the water change when the mix water is at a PH of 8.3. It seems no matter how much buffer I use in my mix water eventually it lowers to a PH of 7.8. I've dealt with this for about a year now. So, on average my tank stays at a PH of 7.8. Everything is doing great in the tank other then a bit a red cyano which I think is due to the lower PH? Any thoughts, comments, ideas???? Thanks!