Hello All


New member
Hello everyone,

My names Eric. I've got a 90 gallon custom rimless mixed reef with Vertex Illumina LED fixture that was set up in early December. I've been in the hobby for about 18 months, and live in Plainfield. Professionally, I'm the Director of Technology for a school district, an iOS Developer and a bit of an entrepreneur.

I'm excited to be a part of this forum and getting to know the Chicago reef community a little bit better.
Welcome Eric. Glad to have another Eric mac nerd around here :)

Lol, yeah I am a huge Apple guy. At work we've got about 2,500 Macs and 400 iOS devices that my team manages... so you could certainly say I live and breath Macs :-)
At my company, we're switching people to iPads so everyone is walking around with one instead of their IBM laptop ;)
Got the an ipad about a year an half ago besides the first gen ipod with the green screen its the first thing i have touched by them since Oregon Trail in 6th grade on a apple 2gs