Hello Chicago Reefs


New member
Hey Everyone,

My name is Robert and I live in Downers Grove, I grew up with a 150 gallon reef tank in my home from my dad but this is my first attempt solo. I just bought a complete setup yesterday from a CR member Geo. It is a 45 gallon rimless cube tank with paired Clarkii Clowns, three green chromes, two peppermint shrimp, mushrooms, some type of polyps, and a leather coral. Filtration is an Aquatop CF 400-UV canister filter (I am looking for a sump/refugium in the very near future), a SeaClone 100 protein skimmer(looking to upgrade this as well), and a Fluval Sea Full spectrum Marine and Reef LED lights 250,000K 24wat (is this enough for sps corals when I eventually am ready for that?).

I look forward to learning a lot with my first tank and being a part of the reefing community.

Not sure if if this is right place for it, but I'm curious about the comments about the cloves. Is Blue Sympodium the same as Blue cloves??? I bought a "Blue Sympodium" frag plug from ReefWise and it has doubled in size in 6months, so it hasn't really seemed "invasive", but it clearly will form a mat...

Not sure if if this is right place for it, but I'm curious about the comments about the cloves. Is Blue Sympodium the same as Blue cloves??? I bought a "Blue Sympodium" frag plug from ReefWise and it has doubled in size in 6months, so it hasn't really seemed "invasive", but it clearly will form a mat...

i bought the same blue sympodiums from reefwise and couldn't grow them, they melted quite quickly in my tank...not sure if they are the same as blue cloves but i would imagine they are not...cloves have much bigger polyps

also, your mailbox is full!