Hello Chicago Reefs


New member
My name is Dan i live in Oak Lawn south of Chicago. I have a few SW tanks and have just recently started to introduce some inverts and corals into my tank. the only one I currently have that im attempting reef in is a 75g.

tank is made up of: 75g, fluval fx5, emperor 400 HOB, aqualogic 1/4 hp chiller, medusa temp controller, 400 w heater, 32w turbotwist sterilizer, 3 hydor circulators, 2 x 250w MH bulbs, 2 x 55w actinic bulbs, one 60w night bulb, pinpoint pH monitor

livestock: Lunare wrasse, fairy wrasse, pink spot watchman goby, raccoon butterfly, blue face angel, koran angel, yellow tail damsel, naso tang, blue eyed tang, pajama cardinal, green clown goby, mandarin goby, serpent starfish, purple clam, candy cane coral colony, condy anemone, large mat coral, large unknown green coral (was just given to me still need to ID it)

might have left something out here and there lol but think that pretty much covers my main tank.

This weekend I am getting a 120g tank on sunday so I will get some pics of the tranfer over and more/better pics in general posted just wanted to say hello and get something up as a start on the forum looking forward to the advice from others on corals and input i can give from my experiences


DanView attachment 5471
welcome to the reef Foster! Great looking tank. It looks a lot bigger than 75 gallons for some reason.
Glad you found us. I look forward to your new 120 build, please post pics. I'm curious, are you going to expand your coral population in the 120? Reason I ask is becasue you have several fish that are not considered reef-safe (Racoon Butterfly, and your 2 large angels are not even considered reef-safe "with caution"). How have they been so far? You're very lucky your angels have not eaten your clam :) Does your Racoon eat your clean-up-crew?
Thank everyone, yes some of the fish will be moving into the 55 I have FOWLR when I break it down for the rebuild will prob move everything from the 55 into the 75. Tank should be coming Sunday so I'm getting excited. Coral Population will definately be growing!! the raccoon is my only concern right now with what I have in there but I was given a few of the colonies for dirt cheap from a guy getting out of the hobby who had neglected his tank for the last few months so they some excessive algae growth on them I think that has kept the butterfly occupied with his time. The Koran has not bothered anything in the tank surprisingly and the Blue face was just given to me So we will see. I have been having troubles with the electricity in my room lately with too much stuff in here so when I move into the larger tank this weekend Im debating moving what is in the 55 to the 75 once its empty and setting it up upstairs as my nieces live the fish in there. When I do the breakdown I will definately get some better pics of the unknown corals for ID. I have a buddy that has a company called Kush Corals he has helped me with some IDs like a rhizo we scored last week but I have yet to get any pics of the rest as my camera is out of commision and the iphone pics through the glass really arent that great. Looking forward to the local forum input on this build I'll try to get as many pics along the way but as you know easier said than done once you get going the camera gets pushed to the side hands all wet

And Ill def keep an eye on that cookout thread would be nice to meet a few oak lawn and other local reefers