I suck at staying current. Here's my Black Friday synopsis:
I'll grab a bunch of pictures tomorrow, as I've added a few things I probably shouldn't have... Anyways, here's today's breakdown. I woke up at nine and decided to stay awake. I went downstairs, watched some T.V. and went back upstairs to grab a snuggie. My dad was up, so I said hi. He then said that we were leaving in twenty minutes, so I asked where. He started to sing "Aquarium", so I made a mad dash 5 gallon water change with the water I had set out yesterday. Out the door, out of Dunkin, and two Long Johns later, we were on the road to the Living Sea Aquarium. We got there at 10:15, only to find them closed. I asked why we went here first, and I was informed that my dad had won some charity auction and his prize was to be supplied by them.
Break from story. He won a Perfecto 75 gallon tank, stand, and a Marineland Double Bright 48" fixture. All for $218. Awesome sale, and he's setting it up as a reef downstairs. Two medium reef tanks in one house? Mom will be pissed off. Shhhhh.....
Anyways, I looked in the window of the Living Sea, and saw the workers feeding the fish. After forty minutes of driving around and looking for some other Black Friday sale (unsuccessfully) we returned, only to see the entire staff sitting at a counter talking. I waved, and they waved back. Twenty minutes later, they decided it would be a good idea to let us in. Whatever. Nothing caught my eye, other than a dead mandarin and a maze coral, exactly like JJ's. $80. No way was I going to buy that, so I went on looking for equipment to spend my $20 Groupon on. I decided to look at the Maxi-Jet 1200 pro series. Cool, they look fine. $55? They're just insulting me now! I ended up getting a $10 frag of maze coral and a $10 frag of some redish brown favia. Oh, and they had sold the Tank and stand that was supposed to be my dad's prize, not surprisingly. They want us to come back Tuesday, which neither of us are happy about. Can you be happy for a 45 minute drive? No. Can you tell how much I hate this store? One of the clerks yelled at my brother when he asked him to come over and bag a plant. I'm never going back after my dad get's his stuff.
So, great Black Friday so far, right? But that can't be it, as that's only $0 after my Groupon... Hmm. Oh wait, we also drove to Midwest Coral Farms, my favorite LFS that's 35 minutes away. We walked in, and as always, I had the initial shock of seeing three 8'x4'x2' frag tables filled with all sorts of rare tangs and corals. They had some extremely healthy elegance corals, as well as some smaller one's that are probably going to die from the shock of being shipped across the world. Still, those 8" green, white, and purple elegance-es looked VERY tempting at $55... I kept wandering, but nothing else in the main tables caught my eye. Wait, did I mention that they had two more new tables, plus an in floor tang tank that's around 12'x3'4' deep. In one of the tables, they had all of their $10 buy two get one corals. In the other, they had a huge shipment of Coco Islands Maxima Clams. Any of them under 3" were $60, any larger than that were $80. So what did I get? I got a single Maxima Clam. But that's not all! I also got a $10 Tyree war coral, as well as a $10 frag of sort-of Eagle Eye Zoas. Where did the other $120 come from? My dad got bit by the reefing bug HARD. Before he has his tank. So add another $60 for another maxima, and another 6 $10 frags with some freebies. All of which are now snoozing in my tank.
Pictures to come tomorrow, if I'm reminded.