Hello Chicagoreefs!


New member
Hey all!
Some here know me and many don't.
My name is Ryan and Im currently the club president for Nwimac.
Our club has been in existence since 2008.
As you know we are based in northwest indiana with members in Hammond, highland, portage, and really most of the local cities around the nwi. We even have members in Michigan city and the Lafayette area.
We plan monthly meetings to discuss different subjects of the hobby. At our meetings we try to always have a raffle item and an item to be given to one full member. We collect member dues of $20 per year and $10 after the month of June.
A full member receives a member card to show at our sponsors locations to receive a pre determined discount. We also have online sponsors that have codes that are given out.
Along with monthly meetings we do a summer cookout meeting (being planned now) and a winter family dinner/meeting.
We are also planning out first frag swap for this fall.
Details of that can be found on CR in the announcement section.
I also have an event page for it setup on Facebook which can be found here

It was a very kind thing for Josh to reach out to us and offer a subforum here.
In this section I will use it to share info about meetings, contests, and various club happenings.
We also will encourage this area to be used like a normal section to discuss anything and everything about reefing.
We've shared this information on Nwimac about our new subforum and have encouraged everyone to join and check out Chicagoreefs and I also encourage all CR members to take a glance over at Nwimac and join us I you'd like.
Just as it is here on cr, there is no pressure to become a full member at Nwimac and being a registered member still gives access to 90% of the site.

Again big thanks and congrats to [MENTION=1277]jrpark22000[/MENTION] on his new ownership of Chicagoreefs