First, I’d like to say hello to everyone! Since I’ve found this site, I’ve been so busy reading that I haven’t had time to type out my introduction …this is THE best site I’ve found for information and I’ve loved looking through the build threads especially. Just a little background, I have never had a saltwater tank until 3 yrs ago when my husband and I had a 125 gallon given to us by someone who moved and didn’t want to take it with them. They used it for freshwater, so it was full of fake plants, bad lighting, and an old canister set-up. We’d always talked about having a SW tank, so now was the chance to dive in, so to speak. But, boy oh boy, I had no idea what all there was to learn about this hobby, and I’m still learning….and always will be learning. It was so frustrating at first with so much information, and everyone of course has a different opinion on how to do things. I read everything I could find, and asked anyone that would listen. It’s been a lot of trial and error ( mostly error ), but I think I’m getting there…slowly but surely. My husband’s tolerated this obsession of mine, and has been my plumber and electrician…but he tells me the chemistry part will remain my responsibility. ;-) We’ve just upgraded the lights ( again ) and now have the AI LED’s, and I love them and those thunderstorms are amazing! We’re also in the process of upgrading the sump, which I will be doing a DIY version based on one of Melev’s designs. Again, I love the site and I know I’m going to learn so much from all the wonderful members here.