New member
Hi everyone! My name is Sarah. I live in the Near North neighborhood of Chicago and am a relatively new reefer. My husband and I started a small reef tank a little over a year ago shortly after we got married as a new hobby to have together. Previously I had African Cichlid tanks for about 5 years and my husband had some tropical fish tanks as well. I have always had a love for saltwater though, we are also scuba divers and after our honeymoon diving in Cozumel at the coral reefs we decided that we just HAD to have a reef tank in our home. We started small, very small with a 10 gallon tank, we love it so much that we recently bought a bigger tank that we will be transforming soon into a reef tank soon as well. I hope to learn a lot from all of the very experienced reefers here on ChicagoReef. I know that there is a lot to learn here and am very excited about reading the forums!
Thanks for allowing me to be a part of this awesome community!
Our ten gallon reef tank
Thanks for allowing me to be a part of this awesome community!
Our ten gallon reef tank