hello everyone!


New member
I joined last year and posted for a bit but then the hubby (cubbies) always stayed logged on so I just used his to check the threads. Well now I think its time I get back on here. There is much more traffic on here than there was last year. For our setup as some of you may know we have a 90g with 30g sump. It had been pretty much a large frag tank for quite some time as we just cant seem to stop buying coral! We just set up our old 30g that we never shut down as a frag tank and are slowly passing some of our frags over. We will soon have some new updates as we got rid of most of our fish in order to get a bunch of new ones. Geno says we are goinh wrasse dominant but honestly its getting hard choosing the fish. I keep seeing some I love that just wouldnt work. I kinda wish we could get a bigger tank but dont we all? :elefant:
welcome back wrasse are pretty sweet but cant go wrong however you guys decide to go it will look great
I've had a fantastic 60g cube setup waiting for a new home, I told Geno about it and he said you weren't allowed to have your own tank... You should buy it and prove him wrong, ;-)
Tell him to get you a tank ;) He took over the other tanks already!!

I see a 125 gal in your near future :D

I've had a fantastic 60g cube setup waiting for a new home, I told Geno about it and he said you weren't allowed to have your own tank... You should buy it and prove him wrong, ;-)

Yea I should tell him I need my own but honestly we dont have the space. I am going to wait til we get our place and then ask for a bigger tank and another one i can turn into a z n p tank :aqua:
lol no I didnt give up, I just rather let him have his fun with the 90g and then when we get a bigger one its my turn :eviltongue: