Hello from Braceville


New member
Just became a member yesterday and so far I love it. Nice place to learn and make friends. I do not have a reef/salt water tank yet I am working on that. In the learning process right now. I do have 5 fresh water tanks going ranging from a 55 gallon down to a 10 gallon I use as a shrimp breeding tank. This hobby is addicting. I was looking on Craigs List for a few things and some one had posted an ad about Chicago Reefs.com and here I am. I look forward to meeting new people and making new friends. Thanks for having me.

Welcome to the reef Allen. You are embarking on a crazy journey.

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blue planet aquatics can help hes located in bradley across from arbys in the shoping complex
Just became a member yesterday and so far I love it. Nice place to learn and make friends. I do not have a reef/salt water tank yet I am working on that. In the learning process right now. I do have 5 fresh water tanks going ranging from a 55 gallon down to a 10 gallon I use as a shrimp breeding tank. This hobby is addicting. I was looking on Craigs List for a few things and some one had posted an ad about Chicago Reefs.com and here I am. I look forward to meeting new people and making new friends. Thanks for having me.


Welcome to Chicago Reef's, we are actually pretty close to each other!