Hello from Deerfield :D


New member
I've been lurking around this for a few months, My names Rick and i'm currently in highschool. My current reef is a 20 long (Chicago reef build thread)I also have a few freshwater setups mainly killifish and dwarf caridina shrimp if anyone is interested in those. Met some people already that are pretty great people. Glad to have such a forum with local people. :D
I've been lurking around this for a few months, My names Rick and i'm currently in highschool. My current reef is a 20 long (Chicago reef build thread)I also have a few freshwater setups mainly killifish and dwarf caridina shrimp if anyone is interested in those. Met some people already that are pretty great people. Glad to have such a forum with local people. :D

Welcome to CR..any picture of the 20 long? Thanks.
welcome aboard CR! I'm curious, please I mean no offense in any way, I just don't get to interact with many in school anymore. What made you decide to try saltwater? A lot of the new saltwater people I see are in their 20's, with far fewer outside outside of that age group. I'm just curious what got you hooked, like so many of us did in years past.
welcome aboard CR! I'm curious, please I mean no offense in any way, I just don't get to interact with many in school anymore. What made you decide to try saltwater? A lot of the new saltwater people I see are in their 20's, with far fewer outside outside of that age group. I'm just curious what got you hooked, like so many of us did in years past.

I guess community freshwater tanks got boring for me and saltwater didn't seem to hard. So I got two clownfish from my LFS and setup a 10 gallon saltwater for my 8th grade science teacher. At the end of the school year I bought a 20 gallon long, heater, and hob off of craigslist for pretty cheap and I transferred the ten gallon to the 20. I had researched reefing while I was running my ten gallon so I decided that was the route I was going to go. I had a friend who was also into saltwater and had met fish_wiz2 at a Red Sea event and he sold me the metal halide. Then I took a family trip to China and snagged a large amount of supplies for dirt cheap. And then I bought a skimmer from Gary. Scrapped together some money and bought some corals and here I am now. I think it was just my interest in it that got me hooked. The ability to have a part of the ocean in a glass box was pretty cool to me and a lot of tanks that I saw were beautiful and got my gears turning.