Hello from Lincolnshire


New member
Hello all. Just found this forum. Been an active reefer for 10 years. Move 3 tanks from Louisville, KY to Minneapolis, MN to Naperville, IL to Vernon Hills, IL and finally to Lincolnshire. Talk about tons of fun. Only lost one fish in all those moves. Bag broke.

I've had various tanks and now have 2 JBJ nano (one is a clown and anemone tank) and another just clown tank. I also have a 120 tank that just crashed on me. The power went out and my apex unit did not turn things back on. It glitched up. Apparently the firmware I was on did this. So now I'm starting the 120 over again. Getting a new skimmer the SRO2000 INT and building a new sump. I have my old sump that I custom made from Acrylic from my 55 gal and figured its time to get a new one.
Welcome to CR!

Hopefully you won't be moving much more :D
It's so much work... This is a really warm place! Happy to have you on board!
Welcome to the reef! Let's see a build thread on the 120!

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I guess i should put on here what I have
120 gallon tank
2x mp40w ES
Apex with 2 eb8s, wxm, switch control module
EV120 skimmer
2x Orphek DIF-100 18k LED
2x Orpheck DIF-30 blue
Custom made sump based off of one of melev's design
Iwaki MD40rxt-115NL Japan motor

SRO 2000 INT
custom sump that looks like the ADHI 30 http://www.aquacave.com/ADHI-Refugium-30-Refugium-Sump-by-Aquatic-Design-Habitats-P993C679.aspx
possibly new return pump The Iwaki is loud but I dont know what to get at the moment that is comparable.