Hello & kind of goodbye :)


New member

I've never been active here but was very much so on other "local" site for many years! So perhaps I know some of you :). Seems a bit more activity over here. Anyhow, I had a major tank crash after 10+ years up and running and, now after months of waiting for motivation to rebuild it, I'm just going to take a break instead. Will make it easier to paint the walls anyway. I need to make some posts to get listing livestock to give away, so here is #1! (Don't worry mods, I'll make 25 useful posts.)

:) I will post them there as well, and likely first, because I still have 23 posts to make here! Still have to take pics and what not.
Welcome aboard. It's sad to see you go after so many years in the hobby, but I would likely do the same after a total crash.

Yeah ReefCentral CMAS is only a FS section anymore. It's been more than a month of nothing but FS posts. Share a couple stories of the 10+ years, some lessons for the newbies, we can get you up to 25 useful posts pretty quick.
Bittersweet, indeed, but I also have a couple kids that weren't alive when I started over a decade ago, so might be fun to restart down the road with them interested! At any rate, it was a nano I had downsized from a 75 after a move and planned to upgrade. Upgraded the FW tank first, then the crash, so that is sidelined... time to purge and reassess!
Keeping RODI for my FW tank, but will have a few supplements, I imagine. Will post it soon! Still sorting. Taking pics. Making my post count, Etc. :)
I didnt have a tank crash but I don't have the time to maintain the tanks anymore so I will be saying goodbye to reefing but will still follow.
I look at my tank all the time and think about taking it down. I haven't had a crash (knock on wood) but I get tired of watching corals shrink and die off. My tank seems to work opposite of what its supposed to.
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