New member
Hello to all,
I am very excited to start my first reef aquarium ,after endless months of reading ,and doing research I am very hopeful. I am amazed by the reefing community ,and the volumes of knowledge you all share. I have been taking slow steps ,throughout the process, picking up good deals along the way on certain items and not willing to sacrifice on others. I am far from over but I am starting to finally see progress. Thus far, I have acquired the following:
1. Deep Blue 75 Gallon Rimless with center drilled overflow and matching stand
2. Eshopps R100 Refugium
3. Dry Fiji Rock ( I have 30 LBS I need about another 40 LBS and rubble for the sump)
4. Hydor Evolutions and Hydor Smartwave Controller
5. All needed plumbing ,check valves, gate valves, etc...
6. Reef Crystals and two 32 gallon mixing containers
7. Eheim return pump, mixing station pump (off-brand)
8. Hand Held Refractometer
9. Master Reef Water Test Kit
10. 300 W Fluval Heater ( I will connect this to a relay that will be controlled by a Digital Fuji Temperature controller and K type thermocouple for auto cycling)
11. Tropic Eden Reef Flakes (40 LBS need another 40 LBS)
12. Still need many other components protein skimmer, RODI unit, lighting (maybe LED China made ebay specials)
Well enough with all that, I appreciate all your collective knowledge and will look forward to reading all your postings.
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I am very excited to start my first reef aquarium ,after endless months of reading ,and doing research I am very hopeful. I am amazed by the reefing community ,and the volumes of knowledge you all share. I have been taking slow steps ,throughout the process, picking up good deals along the way on certain items and not willing to sacrifice on others. I am far from over but I am starting to finally see progress. Thus far, I have acquired the following:
1. Deep Blue 75 Gallon Rimless with center drilled overflow and matching stand
2. Eshopps R100 Refugium
3. Dry Fiji Rock ( I have 30 LBS I need about another 40 LBS and rubble for the sump)
4. Hydor Evolutions and Hydor Smartwave Controller
5. All needed plumbing ,check valves, gate valves, etc...
6. Reef Crystals and two 32 gallon mixing containers
7. Eheim return pump, mixing station pump (off-brand)
8. Hand Held Refractometer
9. Master Reef Water Test Kit
10. 300 W Fluval Heater ( I will connect this to a relay that will be controlled by a Digital Fuji Temperature controller and K type thermocouple for auto cycling)
11. Tropic Eden Reef Flakes (40 LBS need another 40 LBS)
12. Still need many other components protein skimmer, RODI unit, lighting (maybe LED China made ebay specials)
Well enough with all that, I appreciate all your collective knowledge and will look forward to reading all your postings.
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