Hello - totally new!


New member
Hi! My name is Kris. I'm totally new to both the forum and saltwater - I used to have a freshwater 30 gallon a few years ago, when I lived in LA, in which I kept 2 comets, an oranda, four dojo loaches, a pleco, and many apple snails (I raised a few hundred babies!). Been missing my tank for a long time, and while I loved my fish very much, it's my love for invertebrates that's driving me to saltwater. And, it's true, the fish are quite interesting and the tanks are so much more colorful and vibrant!

I come to the forums by way of m.miller1547, who I met via Craigslist and who will be helping me get started with a 37G tank over the next several weeks.

Can't wait to meet you all and learn all you have to share! Any snail aficionados out there? How are the conchs? Any sea cucumber fans? I saw the most adorable yellow sea cucumbers the other day, which, along with the small conch snail, is what put me over the edge! I'm ready to commit!
I'm not a fella, but yeah, that's me! I'm a dancing puppet. I pretty much have to direct you to youtube to explain that one - my company is called "Those Funny Little People." We do weddings, parties, parades and festivals. We were on America's Got Talent last season (dancing elves), and just finished appearing on China's Got Talent for their finale show.

There's my "one interesting fact about me!" I'm sure that, this being a Chicago forum, some of you have seen us Little People at a wedding. The company's been around for over 30 years.

I am also a cat owner, and I feel very guilty because I failed to mention my dear Betta in my introduction. We were very close; he was sick for a long time. I spent about $50/month on various medications, and he lived for over two happy, heavily medicated years. I never knew what it was he ultimately was sick with (aside from secondary infections). Anytime I pulled a medication or tried to switch to more natural or holistic cures, he became much worse. He had a large, ball-like white growth (looked mineralized) that appeared more than once on his tail. I have a pic, if anyone is interested. Anyway, yeah. My betta. Sigh.

I have some videos of my freshwater tank days, including lots of baby apple snails, a corkscrewing goldfish, a dying betta (now I know better and should have euthanized that guy), along with some tubifex worms and copepods, all on my youtube page, member name presquevoo.

Perhaps this is all too much for a first introduction - puppets, betta Munchhausen by Proxy, odd youtube videos...if so, I apologize!

Nice to meet you all!
Hi Kris, welcome!
Sure, I'd love to see a pic of Betta!
I lost my cat in June. She was only 6 years old. She was diabetic and eventually had heart problems. The poor little girl took her medications really well, but just succumbed to the illnesses. So, I know what you went through. Now I still have 2 boy cats and no one to smack them around like she did, lol!
Anyhoo, good luck with your tank and if you have any questions, feel free to ask!

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Ah - Cat - I lost my cat two Junes ago - my boy! It is so sad! But, I'm glad that your cats have each other! Mine cats were siblings, so I had to get a new brother for my girl cat. It only took a month or two before they were sleeping together. Still, I miss my Loke.

Cats are the best! I hope my new cat (I call him Baby) has as much fun watching my new tank as Loke did playing with my dojo loaches!
O yes, and Cat, sorry for any confusion, but Betta was my Betta fish, who I failed to mention in my freshwater background. But, I do have a dear sweet best friend cat who died 1.5 years ago and it still breaks my heart. His name was/is Loki, but I call him Loke. Gah, he loved to play with those dojo loaches, and they him.
Welcome... a reefer of my area. i hope we can get to trade some fish once you get started. on another note, lol americas got talent, u guys had my vote.
I am also a cat owner, and I feel very guilty because I failed to mention my dear Betta in my introduction. We were very close; he was sick for a long time. I spent about $50/month on various medications, and he lived for over two happy, heavily medicated years. I never knew what it was he ultimately was sick with (aside from secondary infections). Anytime I pulled a medication or tried to switch to more natural or holistic cures, he became much worse. He had a large, ball-like white growth (looked mineralized) that appeared more than once on his tail. I have a pic, if anyone is interested. Anyway, yeah. My betta. Sigh.
You sound like a great fish-mom! I'm a cat groomer.
Welcome, this is a wonderful hobby and you found a great community to help guide you to building a successful reef