
My name is Tien.
So I've been reefing for a while but haven't really been active on the forums much. I usually check out reefcentral but ever since i met a local reefer that refer me to Chicago Reefs, I always go on here whenever I can! Lol
Long story short, I've used to have a 25g nano softies and zoas reef with 3 damsels for about 4 years! But since my senior year in highschool to my sophmore year in college, I've been busy and has been neglect that tank. As the result of my negligence, the tank crashed and all the corals and zoas died except the rock of hairy mushrooms. I've recently started a SPS dominated reef about 4 months ago!
Current set up:
65G Aqueon glass aquarium
36" Aquatic Life T5 HO
2 CPR bak pak protein skimmers with accella pump. One with surface skimmer!
65-75 lbs of live rock, about 1/4 of the rocks came from the old tank. 40lbs of live sand.
Mostly SpS frags, a frogspawn frag, BTA, pairs of oscellaris clown in the DT, a juvenile yellow tang and juvenile kole tang in quarantine right now!
DiY stand!
Water para.- ph8.1, ammo- .0, nitrite-.0, nitrate-.0, cal- 460, sal- 1.025

Well just wanted to say hello! Hhaa xD:laugh: