

New member
I just wanted to say hi to everyone. I joined today and just purchased a 210 gallon tank. Can't wait till the weekend to set it up. Any good tips? Any good places to buy live rock??
Welcome !! Are you going reef or fowlr ? Id start with dry rock and a ro unit if u dont have one already
Start with dry rock and save money. I would cure them in a smaller tank or tub, so you save water since you will have to do a huge water change once rocks are cured in a 210 gal tank. Once cured, then transfer to your tank.

I'd buy dry rock from BRS, shape it and set it up how you want, prevent pest from coming. Then get DR Tims or seed the tank with a piece of rock. just my two cents.
I agree with alot of the above, ive started with about 80% dry and seeded with 20% live and after 6-8 months things really started looking good
read up on a deep sand bed, im setting up a 150g and want it maintenance free as possible and think this is the way to go