

Active member
Hello everyone. My names cody and I live in darien. Im 22 and ive been in the aquarium hobby for about 4 years. I started out with south american cichlids in a 55 gallon then moved them to a 75. Had them for about 3 years then sold everything and bought a 120rr on craigslist that was basically a reef already. Learned with that tank until I had to sell it earlier this year. I had 2 29s for qt tanks and just started the reef build on it and I have a 27 cube with diy overflow, diy sump. And used the equipment from my 120 for my 27 and 29. I prefer to diy everything, its cheaper and more fun imo. Always looking for good deals on corals so if anyone knows a placd please feel free to let me know

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