

New member
Hi, my name is Ed and I’ve been in the Aquarium hobby on and off for over 30 years. I’ve had mostly freshwater but I did play around with a saltwater fish only tank back in the 80’s for a few years.
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Welcome aboard Ed. Would love to see some photos from your 80's stuff too if you have any, it's great to see how things have changed.
Thanks for the Welcomes!!

Good to have you here. Let us know if you need advice with anything. Good luck with the setup.

I think you need to name one of your fish Bill O'Reilly, Greta or Megyn. ;-))

Welcome aboard Ed. Would love to see some photos from your 80's stuff too if you have any, it's great to see how things have changed.

Don’t think I have any pictures but I’ll look. Saltwater in the 80’s – undergravel filters, power heads, canister filters thing sure have changed!!

:wel6: , looking forward to seeing some pictures!

BTW, are you watching a lot of " Gotham" ? LOL.

Don't watch Gotham, got the name from Churchill not Batman. :)
Welcome back to the hobby Ed. This is always the best feeling, coming back and setting up. Best of luck to you. Can't wait t o see what you have going.
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