Help me catch it early! PLEASE or take her for free


New member
OK everyone my newer queen angel had some kind of what I think isfungus starting tto grow on the back of her top and bottom fin. Where the fin goes back then down and in toward the middle of the body. It'shard to see . But I can tell something is up. I don't really have a qt tank. If this is going to be hard to treat in a reef syste . I'll just give her to someone. I want her to live and she is beautiful. If someone can honestly do something that I can't come get her for free. Seriously. I have a very healthy system not sure what's going on. If I can treat her in my system tell me what to do guys please.
I'm in Marengo. But I did some more research and some really cool members contacted me and said to hang in there. It's probably viral and will go away on its own. Very common in alantic angel fish. My water is prestin and she eats really well. I guess I'll see what happens. I'll post a pic soon. If anyone has any ideas I would really appreciate it
If its white cotton on fins its fungus and usually goes away with good water quality and nothing to worry about. Just keep eye on fins if they start to look bad could be fin rot abd melifix helps with both
Yeah ill watch it. I have great water so I'm guessing she is just stressed. I don't know why. She has no tank mates and only sees me. There is no traffic around her tank. I have only had her about ten days though. Thanks everyone. Worst case I'll put her in my 15gal I use to cure rock. I'll treat with the melafix or primfix.
I used melefix directly in my reef no issues just had to turn skimmer off had clams sps scallopes everything was fine. But if it is what i think it is good water quality and few weeks ahe be fine ny angel abd butterfly had it they just cone from crappy store water and get the fungus growth. But pics will help confirm
I tired to get pics. I can't. She won't stop moving. It's small. The little hit that was on her top fin is gone today and the back fins look a little worse but she is eating really well so ill keep watching her. Thanks everyone