Help me stock my 93! :)


New member
So finally after my fallow period, I have fish back in the tank! My pair of clowns who have been in QT for the past 9 weeks are back in the tank! I am going to begin purchasing a few batches of fish to QT for 4 weeks and begin my stocking... I really would like some input on what you guys feel fit for my 93! I have a lot of SPS, a 3" sand bed throughout, and a lot of caves and swimming room. I am going to have a 3" Purple Tang in the (CALM DOWN DON'T GASP YET!) tank until Spring / Summer of this year... (I am building my 220 build, and it won't be ready until then) I have found a good deal on a purple and I'm not passing it up!

Anyways, besides the two clowns, and the purple, what else would you add?


PS: Flame Hawk is also on the "TO BUY" list.

Wrasse dominant and then you don't have to worry about pests as much and they also look beautiful
A Coris Wrasse of some sort for pests. Then fairy or flasher wrasses. Reefwise has the healthiest wrasses and a nice selection
Have to agree with Darienreefs on the Midas blenny they are a cool looking fish. Also with a tank that big possably a lookdown fish or two. Those allways look nice in a big tank.
Have to agree with Darienreefs on the Midas blenny they are a cool looking fish. Also with a tank that big possably a lookdown fish or two. Those allways look nice in a big tank.
Sorry but 30 x 30 is way too small for look downs. Look downs need a 8 foot tank minimum.
Been some years but had two decent ones in a 75 gallon they seemed fine, I thought he had a 90 gallon and was upgrading to a 220 in the summer?
I agree with tinman wrasse dominant. They come in pretty much any color combination you could imagine, active swimmers, help with pests.

I would also do a small group of anthias and either a dwarf angel or zebrasoma species tang (or both because I like to overstock!)