Help me with my jawbreaker mushroom!

The Polyp

New member
Hey guys so basically everything in my tank is healthy as can be. All except my jawbreaker and a few other mushrooms in my tank. Ive got my jawbreaker about 1/4 of the way elevated in the tank. The problem is that it hasnt been full open like it used to be and its mouth seems swollen and puffed outwards and white. Ive got a baby as well its mouth is fine but it is not fully open. I appreciate any and all advice!
try the sand bed , i've had good luck on sand bed with low flow and jawbreakers, bounces, krypos and rics seem to love it ...
The jawbreakers in low flow in my tank expand bigger than the ones that are in high flow. Try low flow for a bit
Today my jawbreaker was hilding onto the rock by a thread so i sucked him up and placed him in a sauce cup, covered it with some type a gauze and placed him on the gravel. Thanks for the tips!
Yea bryans right ive recently found out hard way how much jaw breakers dont like bright light
Nothing has changed yet his mouth is still pretty swollen and hes very shrunken. He seemed to have taken a bit of damage by the time i put him in a recovery position so i feel this may take a while but his color is just fine on the bright side! And my baby jawbreaker has opened a bit more than before but he was in a much better state of health his mouth was not affected