Help move a 180 gallon tank


Premium member
I am looking at buying a 180 gallon tank. But I need help moving it from the guys apartment. I don’t have any friends. So I was hoping my local fish club would help me. I haven’t been active on here lately... Hopefully I can start a new build thread with this tank and be more active The tank is located in Glendale Heights on the third floor apartment. I would love to get it this weekend.
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I could possibly assist on Sunday. I would recommend going to blue line corals in Naperville and renting their suction cups to move tanks

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I could possibly assist on Sunday. I would recommend going to blue line corals in Naperville and renting their suction cups to move tanks

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Yes, we have then instock/available. It will make things MUCH easier. We've moved 220gals down narrow stairs as well as 300gal tank around with 3-4x people. Unfortunately we're very short staffed this weekend, otherwise we'd offer to physically lend a hand as well.
The tank buy has been delayed till next weekend ☹️
Hopefully I can find someone by next weekend to help me
You're all the way out in Indiana now? If I were closer and didn't work weekends, I'd totally help out. Your fish trap is still floating around somewhere in the Chicago community too. :)
I need help next weekend in Glendale heights. Taking down a 180 gallon that I will be purchasing from the third floor apartment
I need help tomorrow in Glendale Heights around 10-12 moving a 180 from third floor apartment

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Thanks for everyone’s help! My wife and I moved a 180 gallon tank (over 300 pounds) down a 3 floor apartment! Drove home and brought it in a bi-level house to the basement! So thanks everyone
Sorry I couldn't help today, with the snow and had to watch the kids I couldn't make it out.

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