Help! My Emerald Crab Attacked my RBTA


New member

I just introduced my first RBTA this evening and only an hour after placing it in the tank I witnessed my emerald crab going after the anemone's tentacles with both claws. He got a really good grip on one and tore it before I could scare him away. Has anyone else had this happen? Do I need to get rid of the emerald crab, or do you think they will adjust and get along? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I've never seen any of mine even go near my rbta. Just curious, did you get the Emerald crab from another reefer or from a store?
I've never seen any of mine even go near my rbta. Just curious, did you get the Emerald crab from another reefer or from a store?

I got the emerald crab from I have 3 of them in the tank and only one is a problem.

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If you had gotten them from a fellow reefer I might suggest that there was a problem with the crab ID and that you got a gorilla crab or something. But, John/ knows his stuff and he wouldn't have done that. I hope you're able to catch it and get it out.
this is why I hate crabs....never want them in my tanks.... there's always one that can potentially be an arse hole.....:slap-penguin-smiley