Help please


New member
I have little white circles everywhere they are multiplying very quickly and are all over rock work and glass. My snails and hermit crab wont touch them. Any ideas on what it could be?
Can you post a pic of the white circles for us? It would help tremendously in diagnosing your problem.
i think you will find they will reach a balance in time. After starting up and moving several systems I can say that in my experience the tanks goes through swings of parameters we aren't even testing for. The little spiro worms and even vermatid snails seem to come and go in the early stages or whe everything is disturbed. I had tons of the sprios on my glass at first, but over time they use up whatever influx of nutrient that caused their explosion and they get to reasonable numbers. Try to wait a week before you do anything and see if they settle down on their own maybe.
spiro worms are good for you, they are filter feeders and if they are popping up on class where you dont want them just scrape them off with a razer
as herbie said they will equalize out ... i had micro snails one day all over my tank (iwas afraid they would eat my clam) 2 months later they are all gone... saltwater is weird