Help solve problem with shutting off flow?


Premium member
Looking for some thoughts on how to solve this problem.

My Nem tank is feed from the same pump as my display. They all drain into a common sump. The Nem tank has NO powerheads, heters, etc and all the flow comes from the return pump. I have a 1" ball valve on the return line feeding the Nem tank and shut it off to target feed the tank (only CB shrimp right now.) This morning I have forgotten for the second time to turn the valve back on after feeding. I check in part way through the day and see the tank temp is at air temperature and know exactly what I did.

I could add a motorized ball valve to the line and use the apex to turn it on and off, setting an email alarm if it's off too long. The ball valve is $350 or more.

What else can you think of? My only other thought is to put an audible timer right next to the ball valve, Any time I turn it off set it to 5 minutes and the noise should remind me to turn it back on.

The nem tank (thread really needs an update)
What else do you feed with your return pump? (If anything) I'd just consider adding a new feed cycle for the nem tank that just turns off the return pump and then turns it back on when ready.

I don't know more specifics behind your tank, but the feed mode is one easy solution that's about 350$ less then thee other option. :)
Nem, DT, and QT tanks. Ozone, GAC, GFO, cuprisorb and K1 reactors. All fed from the one return pump. Far from optimal to be shutting them all off to feed a new and shrimp. Its's why I'm looking for an alternative :sherlock:
It be cheaper to run a seperate pump

Long term, one over sized pump is cheaper in my setup. One efficient external pump with replacement parts to rebuild it and a complete spare pump. Adding a second pump would add the extra energy costs plus all the extra rebuild costs.
I've also thought about alarms triggered by lack of flow, based on an alarm if flow was off for X period. If I feed early in the AM like today, I likely wouldn't check my email to see the alarm until I was at work, being stuck just the same without flow and heat.

Also thought about adding a powerhead for flow and extra heater for such emergencies. I'd rather spend the money for the valve to keep equipment down and keep the clean look.
Just a thought! Do you really need a feed cycle? Is there that much flow? In the wild there is no feed cycle.
Thanks Chad, I do feed without killing the flow every couple times. The flow is 500-700gph for 17 gal, food really gets tossed around. I don't think the CB shrimp get much without using a feed cycle. Once I get the first BTA, the locline can be adjusted to keep the nem happy and keep good overturn w/o powerheads.
The only thing I could come up with you sort of mentioned.

Add in a second pump, plugged into the apex, set to turn on when the temp reaches a trigger point. This way you will at least have flow and stable temps at least until you get back home.
Found a cheaper option for $200, which also has reversing option so only one apex outlet needed.

spec sheet;

Why I chose to go without a powerhead when designing the tank was to prevent chopped nems in case one goes for a walk. The apex alarm for low temp cover me if still home and forget restore flow. The now installed egg timer that is manually set when I close the valve will help in the short term. Even then, I've been known to multitask and forget I'm dosing an not hear the egg timer right away. Killing a nem or tank of nems has me worried, but an electric valve is far from K.I.S.S.