Help with my nano cube


New member
Hello I just recently bought a jbj 28 gal nano and I am about to enter the stocking phase in a few weeks.

I plan on getting the following fish:
1 Pair of Clownfish
1 Golden Dwarf Moray
1 Purple Firefish
1 Orange Spotted Goby

I plan on getting the fish in the order I listed them. My lfs has told me that this combination would work out fine and as long as the eel is well fed I shouldn't have any problems.

I need advice on what corals would go well with this setup. Can I get an anemone with the Gdm? I also want to get 2 Scarlet Skunk Shrimp and 1 Banded Coral Shrimp but Im worried the eel might eat them, any advice?
I can't answer all your questions but it's iffy if you put two species of shrimp in there they might kill each other off for te space stick to one kind and maybe just one shrimp

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Yeah from what I hear having multiple species of shrimp can end bad I'm leaning more on getting the scarlet shrimp but my GF loves the banded shrimp so I'm probably going to end up with the banded shrimp.
I have 2 scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp and 3 to 5 peppermint shrimp together with no problem but when I had a banded coral shrimp he would eat the peppermints and never had the banded coral shrimp with the scarlet skunk cleaner shrimps thou and the banded coral shrimp would go after my fish no matter what size but I did have a blood red fire shrimp and a banded coral shrimp together with out problems but I dont think I would trust any eel around any shrimp but that's just me.
1st welcome
2nd is this your first tank?
3rd might want to reconsider the eel.
5th if you are new read all the knowledge on this site.
6th softies and lps would do great in that tank.
7th if you don't know what the 6th is refer to 5
8th read read read!
9th again your tank will be to new for ANEMONES!
10th again welcome to the site.
Oh yeah I know the tank is still too new for anemones and certain corals. Im just trying to get a nice list of things for my tank to get down the line. The tanks about 2 weeks old now and yes this would be my first attempt at saltwater. Off topic tonight my girlfriend seen 3 disgusting worms which I'm assuming are bristle worms. The tank only has sand and live rock at the moment how can I get rid of these?
You are going to want an InTank brand media basket. And don't bother with the jbj skimmer. You might find my build thread helpful since were almost running the same cube. Welcome to the reef!

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Coral banded shrimp are also know to take fish.

Tell your gf that the coral banded will hide all day long and try to kill your little fish at night. Also, the skunks will set up cleaning stations and clean your fish. It's very cool to watch. If you were going to get 2 shrimp, I'd get a skunk and a fire. They'll both clean fish and won't try to eat your little fish.
Your rockscape looks nice. It's a bit hard to tell by the photo but you might want to spread the rocks out a little bit to create some caves & crevices for the fish and inverts to swim through, just a thought.