

New member
I need some advice. I found a guy that has a 28 gallon nano cube for sale for 400, comes with a stand. his description states 28 gallon nano cube with stand. Led lights and wave maker. 2 clowns a six line wrasse a big mandarin. 2 star fish. Snails n crabs. Sally light foot and emerald crab. Banded shrimp. Rose anemome, hammer, torch, pulsing xeinias, ricordia, big brain, 3 feather dusters, buttons. Nice purple rock...400 firm

Can someone please tell me if this is a good deal? I feel like it is, but would like some advice from more experienced people. View attachment 2971View attachment 2972
Focus on the value of the tank simply price new divide by 50 percent and add a little for what you value in live stock and rock. If you don't like the livestock it's worth nothing if you do rock and stock might be worth 200.00
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As John mentioned, I think this really depends on whether you value that livestock or not to gauge whether this is a good deal. For the equipment alone, I wouldn't pay more than $200.

Also, what LEDs are on the tank? That could make a huge difference on value.
I have a jbj 28 pro led it looks like this setup is worth more than 300 if you like the livestock in the tank offer 350