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Hi Guys I have a problem I just introduced a power blue tang and a coper band butterfly(not sure) but my damsel won't let them eat and nips at them I really don't wanna get rid of the damsel sense it was my starter fish but I know I have to. Can someone tell me how to get him out I do not own a fish trap but if someone can let me borrow one or sell me one I will post a tread on the want to buy section

Really need the help guys

I was able to get some fish out of my 125 gal by taking a piece of egg crate and making it a little wider than the with of the tank. sticking the egg crate in on a slight angle to block the tank from front to back.moving a few pieces of live rock from the end of my tank. and catching all my fish in a small section of my tank. worked great except for my 6 line that could fit between the holes. next time i covered it with some scree
Depends on what in the way of catching it, What works for me is 2 big nets , Use 1 as a guide to get him into 2nd net in a corner. Damsels are fighters when your trying to remove them so be patient and keep @ it he will tire and get stupid enough to corner it!
does your damsel know when its feeding time? if so stick a net in there before hand and toss some food in there and net him thats how i got my damsels out!!
I've used a clear plastic container submerged on its side the tank then guided the fish into it with my hand or a net. Good luck.
I cut a small bottle with top cut off and inverted tack with glue and put food in back Attatched fish
Inequality to pull out and caught every fish in about a week. Think that's the video posted but cant view from my phone. Oh also helps out of you don't feed tank for a bit. Also a net with food in back works well fish swim in and I lift out.
This works great I just used it for catching small fish like the damsel but I used 2 cable ties its alot easier to put the pieces together I also attached a nylon string used for fishing or anything u can use so that I can just pull it out of the water when the fish is in the trap. I had 2 damsel in the main tank I caught within 2 mins when I put the food in the trap the other was caught the next day. Its best to turn the lights off once the fish is in the trap so that the other fish will not see it while you pull the damsel out of the tank by pulling the string and put the trap in again then open the lights to catch another fish. . If the other fish see you getting the trapped fish out of the tank with the lights on chances are they will never go to the bottle unless you leave it in the tank for a couple of day until they get used to it.

You can try making a 2 liter fish trap and keep your fingers crossed.

Look at this this How to make a fish trap for reef aquarium. - YouTube
Hey, when you get him out, I'll take him. I'm starting that huge tank and I don't think he bully anyone in that. I don't think he can bully the spotted damsel bully I have now.