helping corals adjust


Active member
when I had t5s, whenever I would get corals from a tank that had LED or MH over it, I would just place the corals anywhere in the tank since they were used to leds and mh. Now that I have leds, how do I acclimate corals if I get them from a tank that has a 250mh or 400mh over it? Do I start low or can I put them anywhere in the tank? My leds are china made with optics and the chips are epistar. If I get corals from a tank that has AI or other american made fixtures with crees, can i place them anywhere since it came from led or do I have to start low again?
I have been starting everything low regardless of what light it was under...I have the ai sols so they are pretty powerful in and of themselves....I leave everything on the sandbed for at least a week and then gradually move up from there