Hey All!


New member
Well due to fellow Reefer "Cubbies" I have come over to this site as well :)

Afew stats - Have had FW for years... Currently have a 100g, 35g hex, 2 29s, and a 10g in FW. Converted a 29g over to SW almost 3 months ago w/ a 10gal QT. As for 'gear':
Coralife 130w T5 HO
AquaticLife 115 Mini Skimmer
HOB Fuge (about 3-4 extra gallons)
Fuval 305 Canister Filter / Fluval 150w Heater

Various Mushrooms/polyps/Xenia
Blasto, acans, Xenia, rics (from cubbies)

Had a b/w clown - he found the ONE powerhead that didnt have a cover on it (for 2 days) and lost the fight.
Banggi Cardinal
Fancy vivid osc. Clown (in QT before going to the DT)

Thats about it - Glad to be here and meet you all :shakehands:
Glad you made it over Dan! If you need any help or anything let us know. We are here to help out our "little community"! Glad everything is doing well for you. Some pics would be nice.
Thanks for all the welcomes :)

ColaAddict: S/N was created like 10yrs ago...my initials and then a random # that seemed easy to remember/not used -now I use "db9181" for just about everything, including other SW sites.

Cubbies: I'm at work currently, but I'll start a build thread on this site as well :)