New member
Well due to fellow Reefer "Cubbies" I have come over to this site as well 
Afew stats - Have had FW for years... Currently have a 100g, 35g hex, 2 29s, and a 10g in FW. Converted a 29g over to SW almost 3 months ago w/ a 10gal QT. As for 'gear':
Coralife 130w T5 HO
AquaticLife 115 Mini Skimmer
HOB Fuge (about 3-4 extra gallons)
Fuval 305 Canister Filter / Fluval 150w Heater
Various Mushrooms/polyps/Xenia
Blasto, acans, Xenia, rics (from cubbies)
Had a b/w clown - he found the ONE powerhead that didnt have a cover on it (for 2 days) and lost the fight.
Banggi Cardinal
Fancy vivid osc. Clown (in QT before going to the DT)
Thats about it - Glad to be here and meet you all

Afew stats - Have had FW for years... Currently have a 100g, 35g hex, 2 29s, and a 10g in FW. Converted a 29g over to SW almost 3 months ago w/ a 10gal QT. As for 'gear':
Coralife 130w T5 HO
AquaticLife 115 Mini Skimmer
HOB Fuge (about 3-4 extra gallons)
Fuval 305 Canister Filter / Fluval 150w Heater
Various Mushrooms/polyps/Xenia
Blasto, acans, Xenia, rics (from cubbies)
Had a b/w clown - he found the ONE powerhead that didnt have a cover on it (for 2 days) and lost the fight.
Banggi Cardinal
Fancy vivid osc. Clown (in QT before going to the DT)
Thats about it - Glad to be here and meet you all