Hey, all!

New to the thread. Have a 40G B with just some mushrooms/sun corals and my fish/inverts. Building a 110 system now from a rebuilt oceanic tank (3/4" plate glass is heavy stuff!) and a rebuilt/refinished cabinet. Making a sweet custom sump (though everyone does that now I guess), and will post build pics soon! Nice you meet y'all!
Welcome to CR Jason. 3/4" for a 110, that's going to be a serious heavy thick tank. Why not go with 1/2" if it's a 4' 110?

Not much to speak of, but here she is. Dory the happy hippo is rapidly becoming enormous. Told the wife she'd get too big, but wife insisted she wanted one. "She won't get too big! I'll prove it: if she does, I'll let you build a bigger tank."

That's called a blank check from the wife!

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Also was my first attempt at building a stand. Custom fit the trim lip to the tank. Drilled the tank and hard plumbed it. Not a terrible job per se, but definitely learned what I'd do differently the next time when trying to maintain it!

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PhysicsPhD with a name like that I have to ask, are you working at Fermilab?

If so I have a few dozen String Theory questions for you??? ;-)) Still trying to wrap my head around 26 dimensions. :confused2: