New member
Hey what's up ladies and gents... Migg420 here, new to the forum.wanted to introduce myself. I'm new to the saltwater hobby. Had a 46 gallon bowfront fresh water that I converted into a saltwater. On my 46g tank I'm only running a 75gallon rated wet dry filter. Two aquacon powerheads. Ehiem 150watts heater. I just recently upgraded to a 92 gallon corner reef ready tank. In there I have the proflex model 3 a Rio 3100 return pump. Mp40 vortech powerhead. Reef octopus sss1000 skimmer. ( that I'm having trouble adjusting the valve and keeping the bubbles from producing the skimmate. And have an Aqua illumination led light with controller. I just started cycliing the tank and used the LR that I had in by 46g bowfront so I have about 70 lbs of live rock and plan on adding 25 more lbs with some purple coraline from Dr. Foster site the reef ready rock they have on there. So bare with as I myself have made big mistakes and trying to learn from them. I'm eventually going to use my 46g as my QT tank. And plan on adding a hob skimmer. I've had my 46g for roughly about 5 months now. Doing biweekly 10% water changes. And just recently started having a red slime issue and have been syphin it out of the sand and rock. I have 3 green chromis. One false per. Two blue eyed cardinal. And plan on getting a blue, and yellow tang. As well as a couple of anthias. So thank everyone who reads this and any advice would be greatly appreciated and criticism constructive of course also very appreciated. Thanks for reading....