Hey guys need helo advice on what ahould i do


New member
Hey guys so currently i have a sunburst anemone and today it got close to my other coral would it get stung what should i do cuz the other corals are glued in place shoul d i move the anemone or leave it take its course?

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Nems do what they are going to do...and you never know when they will settle in!

If you highly value the glued down coral, break a piece off and give it two chances at survival !

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I had one touching my red dragon colony for like a month or more didnt kill the whole thing just the areas it touched think i got lucky and now i moved the red dragon . Luckly my nem found a hole for its foot and has stayed put but ive seen them roam the whole tank causeing major damage . Btw zoas dont seem affected by the sting
Nems are gonna go and do what they want. I have one that stung all of my gsp and there wasn't much I could do

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