Hi Chicago Reefs!


Hey y'all!

I'm Brian, a new member to Chicago Reefs. I live in the city, in the Humboldt Park neighborhood. New to reefing as well, I just set up my first tank ever about 3 months ago, on Dec 11, my birthday :) Just wanted to introduce myself and my tank to everybody.

Like I said this tank is pretty new. Its a 40-breeder. I have a hang-on Reef Octopus skimmer and an Aquaclear powerfilter. For lighting I have an Aquatic Life 4-bulb T5 fixture with new ATI bulbs.

Here is a rundown of my livestock, I'll get some pics up soon too.

Pair of Black and White Ocellaris Clowns
Baby Yellow Tang (in QT)

Pom Pom Xenia
some Paly frag
Orange Digitata
another Digi frag, sold to me as Superman
Green birdsnest frag
Ice-fire Acro
another unknown acro, it is really cool though with bright green polyps

most of these are very small -- both to save some $ and because I want to see them grow out :)

I have a bunch of other inverts too- hermits, emerald crabs, 5 kinds of snails, a skunk cleaner, and a sand sifting starfish. Everything is doing real well.

I'm having a great time learning this new (to me) hobby, and getting the tank to look sweet.

Thats about it for now, thanks for reading! And I will get some pics up soon.
Wow looks great. My bday is Dec 10 haha. I'm also starting a 40 br but am currently running a 125. Like the others said welcome and ask questions!
Wow looks great. My bday is Dec 10 haha. I'm also starting a 40 br but am currently running a 125. Like the others said welcome and ask questions!

Thanks man. I'm trying to get the wife to approve a 125 in our next apartment --- When I showed it to her in the store she looked at me funny and said, "Thats crazy." LOL welcome to reefing I guess :)
Thanks man. I'm trying to get the wife to approve a 125 in our next apartment --- When I showed it to her in the store she looked at me funny and said, "Thats crazy." LOL welcome to reefing I guess :)
I'm trying to upgrade mine to a DSA 190 or 225. if you have the decision to go bigger then do it. The 125 is a great tank but the 18" width isn't very nice as far as aquascape goes.
I'm trying to upgrade mine to a DSA 190 or 225. if you have the decision to go bigger then do it. The 125 is a great tank but the 18" width isn't very nice as far as aquascape goes.

For sure. I'd like a bigger tank but figured I would start "small." I'm trying to add water volume now with a sump
Thanks man. I'm trying to get the wife to approve a 125 in our next apartment --- When I showed it to her in the store she looked at me funny and said, "Thats crazy." LOL welcome to reefing I guess :)
You'll hear worse as you get deeper in the addiction. My wifes favorite line "you don't need a bigger tank, you just upgraded a couple months ago."

Torch Coral
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Here is my wife's favorite inhabitant: Mr. Salty the emerald crab. You can also see my male B+W clown, Christopher Moltisanti. His girlfriend's name is -- you guessed it -- Adriana. Some Xenia too.
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And I'll finish up with my favorite coral: Ice Fire Echinata in the foreground. Pretty small, but beautiful. In the background is another acropora with nice green polyps.
View attachment 9928

Thanks for looking at my tank guys!