Hi Everybody!


Name's Tom and I currenly live in Chicago (River West), though will be moving to LaGrange Park in 2 weeks.

I've been keeping freshwater tanks for over 10 years (taking a break my first couple years of college). I finally dove into saltwater about a year ago. I started with a standard 55 gallon, which is still setup. I was running PC lighting up until just a couple weeks ago when one of the ballasts went out. I decided to upgrade to LED lighting and went with a single Radion Gen 1 that I picked up off a member on here (topenjoin). So currently all of my corals are pushed to one side of the tank. The new lighting is fantastic and I can already see a great improvement in the health and colors of the corals.

Last weekend I bought a new 60 gallon rimless cube (marineland) that I will be transfering everything over to when I make my move to LaGrange.

My other hobbies include homebrewing, photography, firearms, and wrenching on just about anything with a motor.

This seems like a well layed out and active forum! I know you will all want to see pictures. As soon as I make this transfer i'll post a bunch!

Thanks everyone! Just 9 more days until the big move, i'm starting to get nervous...

I picked up the stand for the 60 cube from aquapros last weekend and couldn't pass up grabbing a few frags off the 3 for 20$ rack.