Hi everyone!

Lynn Z

New member
Hi, my name is Lynn and I'm a science geek! I was contacted recently by Jeni/Pufferpunk, regarding an ID, and decided to stop by. I'm not from Chicago, or anywhere close for that matter, but it looks like y'all have a neat forum here and I'd like to stop by occasionally to chat, have some fun, discuss ID's, etc. I live near Seattle and have been a crew member at WetWebMedia for a good long while now. My area is marine invertebrate ID - basically, everything but corals and anemones. I especially love the mollusks, crustaceans, and echinoderms.

I have to say that I'm jealous of y'all living so close to the Shedd. How cool is that to be able to visit such a neat place. I was actually in Chicago for the last IMAC years ago but unfortunately, didn't have the opportunity to go - maybe one day!

For what it's worth, I'm going to post/upload some photos in my profile area (albums) that I hope may at least offer something for comparison if anyone needs an ID. Believe me, I am certainly not the authority on this sort of thing but I do love it and I've seen an awful lot of weird and wonderful stuff so if I can help in any way, please let me know.

Take care,
Welcome to the reef Lynn! We're a rag tag group, but we really do appreciate any actual facts that you can interject:)
Welcome!! Glad to have an expert to identify our "what the hell is this thing" posts lol! Glad to have you on board!
And I thought Champaign was far enough away! Well at least its only a 5 hour plane ride for the 3rd annual BBQ next summer! Welcome aboard, you got a setup you can post?
Thanks everyone, for the warm welcome! As far as my set-up goes, right now, I've got a basic 75g with a few fishes, snails and cleaner shrimps. Before about 2 years ago, I had several (a 30g, 55g, 75g) full blown reef systems w/corals etc., that I loved but ended up losing all but the fishes after a lengthy illness. Everything's fine now - no worries, but I decided to simplify for the time being, then get back into corals later on. Oh, and as for a cold-water system - that would be neat! I've thought about it a time or two, but I'm too hooked on the tropicals. Maybe one day though!