Hi, my name is Rudy and I am a fish addict.


New member
I have been in the reef/salt water tanks for about 8 years now. I used to post on the "other site" but looks like this is the new cool place to hang out.

I tried keeping corals in less than ideal conditions only to be disappointed. Most of my troubles were heat related due to a poor location. This time my new tank will be in much better shape especially with my new Kessil A160WE coming in on Wednesday and we are buying a house this Friday and I already have the perfect spot for my 35 gallon cube. :woohoo:

I have a few items left over from my previous 120 RR tank which i need to sell but I need some meaningful posts and this is one of them. The main things that I need to sell right away are my 120 gallon tank and the ColarVue lights. I sold everything else pretty quick since they were at a bargain price and it was nice to see some fellow reef buddies. I will update this thread with before and after pictures of my tank. It is not much to look at the moment but it should be ready for prime time in a couple of weeks.
Welcome back to CR Rudy, yeah Reefcentral CMAS is pretty much only used for FS threads anymore. It sounds like with all your ups and downs you've seen the hard side of reefing, what type of tank are you looking to keep with the 35gal, softies, mixed, hard coral?
Welcome back to CR Rudy, yeah Reefcentral CMAS is pretty much only used for FS threads anymore. It sounds like with all your ups and downs you've seen the hard side of reefing, what type of tank are you looking to keep with the 35gal, softies, mixed, hard coral?

Thanks for the welcome. I am going for a mix. I want LPS, montis and some nice colorful corals that I want to grow out from frags with a good mixture of inverts. I have some fish already but looking to add some reef safe fish that won't jump out of the open top like a blenny, dragonet and some clown gobies. Is there a wrasse that is reef safe and is not likely to jump out of a tank?

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Hello and welcome to the site.. glad to have you aboard.

Thanks Smitty.

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Hi Rudy, welcome.

Very much appreciated.
I think I replied to everyone. I wanted to add that I really appreciate the warm welcome. I think I found a new hang out.
Thanks for the welcome. I am going for a mix. I want LPS, montis and some nice colorful corals that I want to grow out from frags with a good mixture of inverts. I have some fish already but looking to add some reef safe fish that won't jump out of the open top like a blenny, dragonet and some clown gobies. Is there a wrasse that is reef safe and is not likely to jump out of a tank?

What size wrasse? My possum wrasse won't jump, but are pretty small.
Welcome. And I've had luck with a Christmas wrass for a while. Ended up on the tube anenome one day, but he never jumped.