Hi There


New member
I just started about 3 weeks Ago. Thanks to the help of my son Joe (Joe5688) Do not know much about this but with the help of Chicago Reefs and my son I will learn. I'm 53 years old and have always wanted a salt water tank and finally with some help I finally have one. Anyone out there have any suggestions or can give me some help it would be appreciated. Thank you and hope to talk to you on the forum. Mario Columbia
Welcome!!! Who is Joe5688? J/K

As longest you listen to us and not Joe.. You should be fine ;)

We need pictures...
Welcome to the site and the mental condition known as reef keeping lol! Glad to have you aboard!
Welcome!!! Who is Joe5688? J/K

As longest you listen to us and not Joe.. You should be fine ;)

We need pictures...

I c how it is Dre!

Welcome dad, glad u finally figured out how to make a post haha.

A bunch of u guys probably met him at the cookout. He was the one on the bbq when i was walking around.
thats cool to have dad and son same hobby . id have to become a alcholic to join my dads hobby . welcome to the site and glad to see a dad son with same hobby interest and a dad that can use computer mine just learn to text lol
welcome Mario, read as much as you can and take in peoples experiences. In the long run being educated will allow you to make the best decisions for your tank not mine, joes, bams, jays, etc...
there is always more than one way to skin a cat and what works for me might not work for you.
oh yeah, smack your son and make him work on the stang not the rice burner in the garage....