

Premium member
Hi, new to this forum but not to reefing. Crossing over from the RC dark side, same username over there.

I upgraded to the current SPS dominant system last October and still growing out coral to fill it, limiting purchases to the uncommon. I’m OCD and document everything for my own sanity, so my homepage in my profile provides details of the system in its current state
Hey welcome Josh to ChicagoReefs!
When you get a chance please post pix of your beautiful reef in the "member's reef" section.
Hi Walter, thank you. It still has a way to go before I will concure. Do you have an update since the last time we talked on your redo?
I want to see this tank! You're more than welcome to come over ans see my display... nothing but high end SPS.
I'll get some updated photos tonight with the phone, I won't have time to setup the SLR. Hopefully tomorrow will be slow and I can get the thread started.

Eric, I'm pretty sure I've got frags with lineage from your tank. When mrmadlones (RC) took down his tank, he had a few he said had lineage including a MOP frag, albeit a over hyped frag. Either way I’ve seen older photos your tank, very nice indeed.
Oh, cool. And ya, agreed. that's why I sell it for less than a hundred now and wet thumb still wants $300 for it. It's nice, the super blue polyps are my fav, but yes, it was overhyped with a false picture. That's why I don't by anything from them any more.

Hows it doing in your tank? Mine is blue tips, green skin. Likes to brown every time I have to move it.
It is still adjusting to my AI leds but yes, a nice light green skin with purple to blue tips and polys. Thanks for the warning about moving it, I was thinking about moving it to see how the color would change. I'll leave it where it is and wait longer.