High calcium, low alk. What to dose?


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My calcium is 500+ while my alk is 7. I bought Seachem Fusion 1 and 2. Do I need to dose both still or just Fusion 2 for alk if I want to bring alk up and calcium down.
First check your magnesium level. If its off, your alk/cal will be erratic.
If mag normal level, then try easing off on cal dosing. Cal and alk kinda have a seesaw effect with each other. Try that before putting in more alk.
Alk 7 is perfect IMO. That is normal seawater level.

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I actually dont dose Calcium; I just do weekly water changes. I am just concerned because new saltwater mix with IO Reef Crystals is 11 alk. But my tank remains 6.6 to 7 even after a 40% water change.
Tests were done with Red Sea Pro Foundation:

Ca - 550
Alk - 7
Mag - 1400

Do I need to change things or leave things? My zoas been looking kind of meh and my monticaps are browning out.
Your levels are fine. Even with high calcium, shouldnt cause issues. You can just dose alk if you want alk higher.
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