High Performance Diet from American Reef


New member
Anyone have experience with it? Appears to be an "all-around" staple for all types of fish (and coral) with added vitamins, etc. Since you mix the powder up w/ water it's highly customizable - you can add other vitamins (meds if done properly), pieces of nori, even reef chili etc.

It also holds up well for a long period of time while in the water instead of blowing everywhere and allows fish to graze on it -aggresive fish first, afterwards its still solid enough to let more docile fish to feed, then CUC/Corals finish the remains.

Here's a video - kinda long at ~40mins (probably can google shorter ones)


Thinking about maybe trying it out - for $20 ($15 food/$5 shipping) you get enough to make ~1lb of high density food.
Hmm... Driving to midway sucks lol (From Franklin Park during traffic) -wanna swing down through lower wacker during the week? Lol
If you go to the last ~5mins of the video - I believe you paypal $20 to American Reef , they will email you to verify you want it sent to your paypal listed address and will send it out in less than 24hrs via USPS.
Thanks, I went searching around google without any luck. I'll have to finish the video later tonight
just watching some of this video, i dont like that he's putting other food in there that i normally feed. if its a all in one why sprinkle reef chili, selcon and formula 2. And gelatin is most likely a ingredient.