How do I get this carpet anemone out of my tank?????


New member
So about 6 weeks ago my wife convinced me to buy a carpet anemone, against my better judgement. Since then almost all of my fish have disappeared. Now she wants it gone but the problem is that I'm not sure how to get it out. It has doubled in size and now is about 10-11 inches across and has attached itself to the bottom glass. When I put it in the tank it grabbed onto my hand like it was lunch and now i don't want to touch the thing.

Once i figure out how to get it out, it will be for sale, or trade
i would use a credit card CAREFULLY and remove the foot . you can try and swoosh your hand over the top of it to get it to close up a bit . good luck very cool nem but sad you lost your fishes
I was thinking about getting a carpet nem. After your post, there is no chance. Sorry about your fish. Good luck!
Sorry about your fish dude :( Aside from the credit card, could you point a powerhead right near it? Maybe get it to close up a bit and loosen its foot on the glass? I've never had one before but ive heard it works on bubble tip anenomes
Point the powerhead works well with hadonni.. it will get annoyed and start moving.. once moving it very easy to remove with credit card. bummer on fish.
That sucks i heard ine guy say he lost ten fish in 2 weeks to one a green one also ate em all . Id be honest if it ate my fish it would chisel that mutha off and flush it lol good luck
That's actually pretty creative on removing it. Lol. I've been lucky as I've had several and only lost a couple damsels to them but I don't normally put them in tanks with smaller fish. All fish need to be 3-4" plus to be in the tank and the tank needs to be big enough that the fish have plenty of room to stay away from it. I also keep them in corners or near a side so that the fish can learn swimming patterns that don't cross the anemone.
Apparently this nem is also an escape artist. I've had it hanging in a breeder box and somehow it squeezed through the 1 inch inlet last night and made a new home on the glass. Sorry for the crappy pic. View attachment 10191
I've read that gently rubbing an ice cube on its foot will get it to detach. Never tried it though

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