How do you Navigate Chicago Reefs?


I am reviewing how the website works and am looking for some feedback. When you come to Chicago Reefs how do you Navigate the site? Do you start on the home page or hit whats new or something else? Do you use tapatalk? Any feedback is appreciated.

On the desktop I go to the home page and see what's new. On tapatalk I just scroll looking for new

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Am always in the forum page..and looking on the new forums posts

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There way I can always snap on the chat
I always use taptalk on my phone rarely do i ever use website. but when im on taptalk i just go to whats new
I use the internet explorer on my Samsung phone. The I trader tab appears to cover up the new posts button but it still works.
Never use Tapatalk.
I always navigate to what’s new. If you were looking for suggestions expand or enhance the what’s new page.